Can Staying in the Moment Improve Your Health?

Many of us spend too much time planning, problem-solving, or worrying about things we can’t control. These thought patterns can drain you of energy and may actually increase your chances of experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression. Mindfulness exercises can help you steer away from this type of thinking to focus on the present and accept it without judgment.
Four ways to practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is a type of meditation that helps you focus on what you are feeling in the moment. There are many simple techniques you can use to improve mindfulness in your everyday life:
1. Notice the world around you
During this difficult time, it can be challenging to take the time to appreciate your senses. But focusing on how things look, taste, or feel can help you stay present.
2. Find joy in simple things
Finding pleasure in simple things can truly improve your happiness. Stay in the moment, and try to bring an open mind and focus to everything you do.
3. Be good to yourself
We are often most judgmental of ourselves. Give yourself permission to treat yourself with the same consideration you give others.
4. Breathe
If you feel stressed or anxious, take a minute to breathe deeply. Focus your attention on your breathing to calm and reset your mind.
Health benefits of mindfulness
Not only can mindfulness help you feel calmer and more and in tune with your surroundings, but there are health benefits as well.
- Well being—Improving mindfulness techniques can make it easier to enjoy the small moments and simple pleasures of life, engage in activities, and reduce worry over the future or past.
- Physical health—Practicing mindfulness can help relieve stress, improve sleep, and may be able to lower blood pressure and help with chronic pain.
- Mental health—Mindfulness techniques can help treat depression, anxiety, and substance abuse issues. Additionally, CarePartners of Connecticut offers mental health resources and services to help you care for your mental well-being.
How Your Plan Helps
In addition to the mental health services described above, you have access to discounts on services and activities that can help you reduce stress and increase mindfulness (get complete details on Extras Discounts). For example, you can:
- Get massage therapy and acupuncture - Reconnect your body, mind, and spirit with discounts on these services.
- Practice yoga in your home – Through Ompractice, you can access live, online yoga and meditation classes at a discounted rate. For details or to sign up, visit
Also, CareAdvantage Preferred (HMO) members receive a CarePerks Wellness Allowance of $175 per calendar year. The Wellness Allowance can be used toward fitness class costs (like yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi), acupuncture from a licensed provider, and more. See your Evidence of Coverage at for complete details.
Restrictions may apply.
Discounts and services included in the Extras program are not plan benefits and are not subject to the Medicare appeals process.