Are You Ready for the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP)?

Know your dates
AEP runs October 15th through December 7th. During AEP, you can shop for a new plan, switch your Medicare Advantage plan, change from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan, and add or remove prescription drug coverage*.
Make sure you are eligible
If you are new to Medicare, you need to sign up for Medicare Part A and B before you can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan during AEP.
If you already have a Medicare Advantage plan, make sure it meets your needs. You may be able to lower your monthly premium or copayments.
Don’t rely on partial coverage
Original Medicare (Part A and B) only covers about 80% of your expenses. The remaining 20% is your responsibility and could add up to thousands of dollars each year. To have enough coverage, many people select a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) that includes prescription drug coverage (Part D), and additional benefits like dental, hearing, and more.
Get answers to all your Medicare questions
If you have any questions about AEP, CarePartners of Connecticut’s local, licensed Medicare Agents can answer all your Medicare questions.
As the state’s only Medicare Advantage plan built with local doctors, CarePartners of Connecticut puts your health and well-being at the center of care by providing support to doctors to help get you the best care possible.
Call CarePartners of Connecticut today: 1-844-267-1361 (TTY: 711)
*You can also drop a Medicare Advantage plan and return to Original Medicare or cancel your current Part D plan.