About: Provider Update Newsletter

Provider Update is CarePartners of Connecticut’s quarterly newsletter for providers, hospital administrators and ancillary providers in the CarePartners of Connecticut network. Provider Update is CarePartners of Connecticut’s primary vehicle for providing 60-day notifications and other critical business-related information to providers.

Publication Schedule
The CarePartners of Connecticut Provider Update newsletter is published on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1, and it contains 60-day notifications effective for dates of service on or after April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 1.

Where Can I Find Provider Update?
On the Public Website: Current and recent past issues of the CarePartners of Connecticut Provider Update newsletter will be available in the Provider News section of the public Provider website at carepartnersct.com/for-providers. The newsletter can be found in full PDF format as well as by each individual article.

By Email: Beginning in early 2019, providers and office staff will be able to register for Provider Update by completing the online registration form, available in the News section of the CarePartners of Connecticut public Provider website.

In Print: CarePartners of Connecticut will not mail the full Provider Update newsletter to providers. Instead, a high-level, one-page mailing will be distributed quarterly to contracting providers, highlighting the 60-day notifications and pointing providers to the Provider News section of the public CarePartners of Connecticut website so they can read articles and register to receive Provider Update by email.

Note: Providers are encouraged to register to receive the newsletter by email as outlined above.

For more information about Provider Update, refer to the CarePartners of Connecticut Provider Manual.